Bridging the Employment Gap: Empowering Individuals with Disabilities in the IT Industry
There is a significant opportunity for people with disabilities to contribute to the workforce across various industries, including IT, manufacturing, finance, consumer, and retail. However, despite this potential, approximately 80 percent of people with disabilities remain unemployed. The barrier to employment is the lack of employable skills among this demographic.
Prakat Solutions. Inc. recognizes the immense potential of people with disabilities and aims to foster inclusivity through digital accessibility. As a company committed to inclusion and accessibility, Prakat seeks to address the employment gap by providing training and employment opportunities for people with disabilities. Partnering with – Vocational Rehab, Prakat conducted a software testing/accessibility training program in Denver, Colorado, exclusively for individuals with disabilities.
The training program aims to:
- Provide technical skills in software testing and accessibility testing.
- Develop leadership skills essential for the IT industry.
- Build a resource pool of individuals with disabilities capable of contributing to software testing roles.
- Addressing the lack of employable skills among individuals with disabilities.
- Providing specialized training tailored to the needs of participants.
- Ensuring confidence and positivity among trainees about their skills and career prospects.
- Facilitating interactions with IT companies and startups to explore employment opportunities.
- Acquisition of basic software testing skills by the trainees.
- Increased confidence and positivity among trainees for their skill sets and business acumen.
- Recognition of the training program as a sustainable platform for personal and professional skill development.
- Exposure to various IT companies and startups to explore potential career opportunities.
Data analytics and automation
• Empower aspiring professionals with disabilities to enter the IT industry and establish successful careers.
• Foster a diverse and inclusive workforce within the IT industry.
• Offer opportunities for individuals with disabilities to make meaningful contributions to the workforce.
• Highlight the potential of individuals with disabilities to thrive in the IT industry through training and employment initiatives.